Friday, October 09, 2009

great things

all great things start as
subtle whispers leering
from a hallowed state

as buoyant cataclysms
set to usurp the King.

born from virgin vision
all great things are
too innocent to know
what it means to compromise

too pure to acknowledge
the resulting demise of
the a priori

they are fruition
they are ends
they are means

all great things
are received from
mere people (like

who know the journey
fully, and are in
journey, fully, and
have senses attuned,
fully, not to the

foolish jeers of certain folk (you) nor
the pernicious cries of those too busy (you) nor
the wanton wishfulness of those too accepting (you) but

to the looming harmonics
that sing the Song of Creation
that ask for nothing but

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