Thursday, January 21, 2010

faith in your inhales

underneath the tongue
rough ridges of sensation

the company of chemicals
that have words lose their swell
to ease the vision of blood that
drains through abyss

in comforts pulses
through the timid flesh
that craves any force
that offers form

every moment unto itself
devoured by the next
detail that shout
inane things
carried by nothing
draining into the abyss

unrepentant worlds
forced into war
for your faith

anything as anchor
that prevents you
from falling into

your abyss of forgetfulness
and the shadow it weaves
you loom and mistake
for the world you despise

the world from which you run
starved for the eager things
that bring you to life

faith in your inhales
faith in your reassurance
that produces nothing
but your hunger

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